First Flight 1901


Contact Us
Main Phone: +49 7904 941 3455
Fax +49 7904 941 3456

Our Business Model is the digital presence of Heigold & Partner, home of the First Flight 1901 brand. We offer high-end accessories appealing to discerning consumers. Our quality products are handpicked from international sources. The First Flight 1901 trademark is also available for licensing.

Postal Address
First Flight 1901
Heigold & Partner
Sommerberg 17
74532 Ilshofen

Contact: Mr Karl Heigold - Owner

Licensing Opportunities
Interested in benefitting from the use of our First Flight 1901 trademark under licence? We like hearing about brand licensing ideas that provide an opportunity to extend our trademark to products and services that are aligned with our core values and the brand's targeted consumers.

Company Information
The business is operated as a Sole Trader business, owned by Karl Heigold; trading name is Heigold & Partner. VAT Number: DE185270790.
A copy of Validation Certificate from German Inland Revenue Department (Bundesamt für Finanzen) for our VAT Number is available on request in pdf.

          @FirstFlight1901            @FirstFlight1901         @FirstFlight1901       
